Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Webb, Chapter Four

This chapter in particular struck me in that youth violence was a serious problem in my pre internship at Hillside Middle School. The prevalence of youth violence in the classroom is a problem that needs to be addressed in order for students to feel safe in a place that is conducive to learning and growing. "What is truly unfortunate about the lives of these young people is that their antisocial behavior is often a desperate if misdirected attempt to secure their most basic human needs, to establish for themselves safety, respect, and belonging." As a teacher I feel that students need to be comfortable in the classroom in order for them to learn, if this is not achieved then many issues and conflicts will arise that might promote violence. Many diverse readings or texts can be introduced in the classroom that can counter the effects of youth violence. With the reading of Native Son Webb's students struggled to understand the causes of alienation and violence even more evident in the United States today. This is very important for students especially adolescents to do in the classroom because they are searching for answers about many issues and struggling to form an identity. The more students learn about these issues the more they will understand each others differences.

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